Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Holocaust.

I was reading Stephen King’s Different Seasons the other day.Then I picked up Dexter Dias’s Rule of Law.I found one thing in common in both of them.Reference to the Holocaust.I will be frank with you.I had no idea what Holocaust was until I came across Mein Kempf , Hitler’s Biography.I used to think that the bombings of Hiroshima n Nagasaki were referred to as Holocaust !
Then , I did a bit of research and found horrific tales of the death camps that the Third Reich created.Also I chatted with a person at the British Council who is actively involved with research on these death camps at Auschwitz , Neuwelt and Dachau .
Why I am writing all this ??
Because I was appalled by looking at those photographs and reading those first hand versions of life and sufferings at Auschwitz and various death camps that Hitler created.I was appalled by the way POWs were mistreated , mostly killed.Even children were not spared. I was appalled by the vile nature of a certain ruler who subjected humans to his whimsical and gruesome experiments involving chemical and nerve gases
I want to share with you some of the photographs I laid my hands on through the internet.But even with these photographs you wont even come close to understand the severity of Hitler’s eccentric and downright inhuman thinking and mindset.And these are the least graphic photographs I am posting here.
Some of you might say that its past so we must not dig it up.I say why not ?We should know the consequences of laying power in the wrong hands and also the plight of a certain race of people which will suffer invariably.From the past we learn.Although this incident of Holocaust is over 60 years old , but it serves as a good reminder of what we all can face if the ever developing and proliferating Nuclear and Chemical technology for destructive purposes gets into the hands of wrong people , who have no regard for human life , just as Adolf Hitler didn't.

If you have the slightest inclination to explore this horrific blot on our history , read through Anne Franks Diary.It gives you a first hand account of the fear and suffering that Jews faced during the German occupation.
This little article is in no way brings out the actual sufferings and trauma that Jews had to go through during the German Occupation in WWII.The article is meant as an initiation for all of you who might spare a moment and imagine the hell these people lived in these death camps and also learn more about the atrocities that Hitler , Himmler and the SS inflicted upon these people.

Over 10 million Jews (including Russian Jews) were killed in these death chambers using poisonous gases.The figure in itself is staggering and speaks volumes of Hitler's Paranoia.

Photographs Courtesy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good post. Forces to think and analyse. Keep the goodwork going!!