Friday, November 24, 2006

"Value Add" is the IN thing !!!

Dont be surprised reading a post on this blog.Virtual estate realtors were grinning that this space finally off the net. I really apologize to all those who thought that Ak was out...I might be down but "out" does not form a part my vocab !!

Anyways , all of the above forms a part of the "faaltoo" comeback speeches that everyone gives !!

Bottomline : Finally , I have an internet connection at my flat in New Delhi.As a result , I can blog !!!

Now diverting my ever deviating attention to the title of this post."Value Add". Now why does this phrase sound so academic and philosophical ?? As soon as you say this to anyone , one would immediately start imagining books , libraries , research papers etc etc blah blah......

Recently a person very close to me was so so disgruntled by our dear MBA curriculum. Why ? Cos she thought her MBA was not what she expected.A life starting at 9 , ending at 5 ; full of monotonous assignments , "group" discussions , grades.She actually decided to quit this course and join some event management company !! Now , why does an event management company sound interesting ? Cos its kinda glamorous , isin't it ? Managing events , meeting personalities , organising real time - not on your answer sheets !!

My take on MBA is a bit different.So thats the take I explained.Why to get bogged down by the MBA curriculum ? Why to get monotonous ? Why to get into the grinding groove which everyone does ? A bit of innovation , swill to work hard and ofcourse "contatcs" is all one requires to make one's MBA as glamorous as any event management company or for that matter any fundooo course.

I started my MBA as someone with a mindset : Assignments on time , Presentations on time , Submissions on time , Remaining in 70-75% bracket , Attending all lectures , Doing what everyone tells you to do.Cos this is a place where you learn.Right ? Wrong !! MBA is not just about the abovesaid. Yes , it does form a teeny weeny percentage of an Business Admin study.But Business Admin study minus teeny weeny is something which is as vast as the space itself !!

Classroom is not the place to learn business.Saying "yes" to everything is not the way to learn business.Slogging one's ass (and then join your pillow on the bed) and LOOKING for credits is not how you do business !!

Actual MBA is out there (sounds like a pick from the X files!!) . Out where ? is something that you have to figure out. I have figured it out.I might be sounding Insane/Rebel/Lost Case/Deviated/Fool , but beleive me , if and when you know how to maximize this f(MBA) , I bet you would also use the same adjectives for yourself !!

Happy hunting for MBA......

(PS: I sincerely hope this post catches the eye of a friend of mine.)